Win 9x/ME/XP: --> Install Cable/bluetooth & phone modem drivers properly. --> Create Dialup connection with following details.. Username : internet Password : internet Phone : #777 or 172226 Unix/Linux: Contents of /etc/wvdial.conf file: Code: [Modem0] Modem = /dev/input/ttyXYZ Baud = 115200 SetVolume = 0 Dial Command = ATDT Init1 = ATZ Init2 = AT+CRM=1 FlowControl = Hardware (CRTSCTS) [Dialer cdma] Username = internet Password = internet Phone = #777 Stupid Mode = 1 Inherits = Modem0
Awaz Apni Baat Apni is started in new Vision of Pakistan, We want to see a real image of Pakistan in public Point of View, Our Pakistan with New Vision.