Summary: In this example, we will copy all members from one Distribution Group to another Distribution Group.
Copy the contents below and save as copymembers.vbs to C: drive
Set objOU = GetObject("LDAP://OU=Security Groups, dc=company, dc=com")
Set objOldGroup = GetObject("LDAP://CN=mysourcegroup, ou=security groups, dc=company, dc=com")
Set objNewGroup = GetObject("LDAP://CN=mytargetgroup, ou=security groups, dc=company, dc=com")
On Error Resume Next
For Each objUser in objOldGroup.Member
objNewGroup.Add "LDAP://" & objUser
Open Command prompt:
C:\>cscript copymembers.vbs
The script will copy all members in the "mysourcegroup" Distribution List to your "mytargetgroup" Distribution List.
Note: Some organizations like to use # in front of their Distribution List names so they appear together in the GAL. Because this is a special character it will need to be in double quotes to treat # as a literal.
James Chong (MVP)MCSE M+, S+, MCTS, Security+
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Copy the contents below and save as copymembers.vbs to C: drive
Set objOU = GetObject("LDAP://OU=Security Groups, dc=company, dc=com")
Set objOldGroup = GetObject("LDAP://CN=mysourcegroup, ou=security groups, dc=company, dc=com")
Set objNewGroup = GetObject("LDAP://CN=mytargetgroup, ou=security groups, dc=company, dc=com")
On Error Resume Next
For Each objUser in objOldGroup.Member
objNewGroup.Add "LDAP://" & objUser
Open Command prompt:
C:\>cscript copymembers.vbs
The script will copy all members in the "mysourcegroup" Distribution List to your "mytargetgroup" Distribution List.
Note: Some organizations like to use # in front of their Distribution List names so they appear together in the GAL. Because this is a special character it will need to be in double quotes to treat # as a literal.
James Chong (MVP)MCSE M+, S+, MCTS, Security+
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