CNews PESHAWAR: District Nazim City District Government Peshawar, Haji Ghulam Ali has under section 144 Cr.P.C. prohibited forthwith writing/distribution of objectionable pamphlets/posters or wall chalking especially on mosques and Imam Bargahs, pillion riding, display/carriage of weapons, printing/circulation of objectionable materials, fanning communal hatred, Afghan refugees entering the city and rumour-mongering.
Any persons found violating this order shall be proceeded again under section 188 PPC.
This order has come into force forthwith and shall remain in force for 10 days during Muharram-ul-Haram unless modified or withdrawn.
Any persons found violating this order shall be proceeded again under section 188 PPC.
This order has come into force forthwith and shall remain in force for 10 days during Muharram-ul-Haram unless modified or withdrawn.