I juz suddenly had a spur of this idea that how good it would be if Windows 7 Made things easier for all of us.
So I designed this...
Searching would be the main option. All things catergorized properly..
Top panel orb to be used for running applications and searching for applications.
Side panel is to load personal files and documents. Folders could be dragged out of the window and placed on the side panel.*Noticed I used side panel.. Not sidebar... I think that sidebar is hopeless actually...
Bottom would be viewing panels that would show what windows or applications are running~
I haven't got time to design what's inside the orb but I've already got something up in my head.
There would be 2 search functions... Search in computer or web, search for pictures or documents
Search functions are easier to use.
For eg. You have a picture. But u would prefer a bigger sized picture. The mechanism in the computer searches for exact or similar designs on the web. Then they could be downloaded.More effects, More easy searches. Easier interface.
This would be my concept.Faster, Easier, More Powerful Than Ever.
This is Windows Se7en.
Please Please Please do not take my ORIGINAL idea and call it ur own. THANK YOU!!