CNews NEW DELHI: Declaring that he felt terribly let down by Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), former prime minister Nawaz Sharif has steadfastly refused to compromise on getting the sacked judges reinstated.“There is no room for flexibility on the issue of the judiciary. There was no room for flexibility on the impeachment of the president. There is no room for flexibility on something that we have signed together, something on which we have given a solemn pledge to each other,” Nawaz said in an interview to foreign journal “When you have an agenda to strengthen democracy and make the parliament sovereign, how can you be flexible?” he said.He said the coalition was formed with three objectives including reinstatement of judges, supremacy of the parliament and restoration of the 1973 constitution. Nawaz pulled the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) out of the coalition in protest against Zardari’s failure to reinstate the 60 sacked judges. The judges included then chief justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Chaudhry.
Matric General Group Result SECONDARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE (S. S. C.) PART - II CLASS - X - 2010 ( )
PASSED THE SECONDARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE (S. S. C.) PART - II CLASS - X) ANNUAL EXAMINATION, 2010. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS EXCEPTED, CANDIDATES BEARING THE FOLLOWING ROLL NUMBERS ARE DECLARED TO HAVE PASSED THE SECONDARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE (S. S. C.) PART - II CLASS - X) ANNUAL EXAMINATION, 2010. ------------------------------------------------- GENERAL GROUP (REG&PVT) --- GRADE..'A-ONE' ---- ----------------------- ( CANDIDATES SECURING TOTAL MARKS 680 AND ABOVE) MARKS SECURED BY THE CANDIDATES OUT OF TOTAL MARKS OF 850 ARE MENTIONED AGAINST EACH ROLL NUMBER IN BRACKET --------------------------------------------------- 601086 (689) XXX (XXX) XXX (XXX) XXX (XXX) XXX (XXX) XXX (XXX) 601327 (681) 363 (684) 364 (719) 407 (685) 664 (682) 788 (687) 601836 (692) 882 (683) XXX (XXX) XXX (XXX) XXX (XXX) XXX (XXX) 602315 (723) 316 (715) 320 (712) 321 (739) 325 (686) 326 (702) 602327 (683) 329 (70...