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Is government taking these threats seriously?

It has been over a year now, since a power transition had taken place in Pakistan. The mandate was given to the democratic forces and the political parties projecting Musharraf’s agenda were rejected by the nation. Everyone was aware of the adverse challenges the country is facing and there were no quick solutions for the challenges. The parliamentary forces recognising the complexity of issues and understanding confrontation will do no good to the cause unanimously voted for the Prime Minister Gillani. It seemed like we were entering into politics of “Reconciliation”. But the government lost that support by withdrawing back from series of publicly made commitments. Pakistan is facing major challenges such as energy crisis, power shortage, subservient foreign policy, unemployment and internal threats like extremism in NWFP region. Restoring the judiciary was not a major issue as it required an executive order by PM for reinstating the judges; however it is a separate issue which can be discussed another time, why it took so long for the order to be released.
ANP Led coalition government agreed a peace deal with Sufi Mohammed, and agreed for “Qazi courts” to operate in the region, to mitigate the catastrophic consequences of the confrontation ordinary citizens are facing. This milestone achievement is not seen as a victory by Mr 10% and to derail the peace process he is delaying signing the ordinance to be recognised as Legal framework. Our liberals are enjoying this opportunity to portray the state as vulnerable and bowing its knees to the extremist. Maybe they cannot recall or don’t want to mention that even Britain reached an agreement with the Irish terrorists and US negotiated with Iranian regime for releasing their diplomats. Our brothers in the region are only asking for justice which is long over due.
In the whole US election campaign, Pakistan was focal point of discussion. Both Democrats and Republicans had to mention Pakistan in electoral rhetoric, particularly its tribal areas and outline their plans how they will meet their objectives and disperse threat to their security from the region.
President Obama made no secrets about his adventure to attack in Pakistani territory if necessary. It is evident now by the increase in numbers of drown attacks. US, its allies and India waste no opportunity to project Pakistan as a failed state and make it subject to sadden causes - whether it is Mumbai attack or attack on Sri-Lankan cricket team. Americans have conveyed their aim of expanding the horizons of drown attacks by stating they may have to attack in Baluchistan province. Our government is showing no resilience to reverse these blames and demonstrate the cost Pakistan is paying to disrupt extremist in the region.
In diplomatic front we have miserably failed. Forming a group of major donors and naming it “Friends of Pakistan” is nothing more than a paper exercise. They have not even granted a dollar to much needed crumbling economy. The so-called "Friends of Pakistan" also agreed to encourage private sector involvement in Pakistan's development, now are reviewing their Pakistan policy.
Convicted murderer Musharraf is addressing in capacity of keynote speaker to various policy officers in US based think tanks, and in India today conclave on “How to eliminate extremism.” Yet the governance is nowhere to be seen. Some cities are facing 6 -8 hours shortage of electricity a day, small business are being closed down and people are being made unemployed. No short-term measures have been taken to mitigate the effects on workforce and society. No reforms are being brought in the much needed education sector. In today’s global era and knowledge base economy, our children do not have access to ICT and internet in schools. Having a sovereign foreign policy seems like a dream now, as ambassadors of powerful nations tell the government who they shall appoint in executive positions in public institutions and foreign ministers mediate between politicians to resolve countries internal affairs. Mr 10% informed the US beforehand of when the governor rule will be imposed in Punjab province.
US have put a bounty of 5 million dollars on Bait Ullah Masood’s head. This is alarming for Pakistan as it will have long lasting effects on every aspect of Pakistanis life. Firstly, Investors won’t even think twice about investing in country where terrorists are breathing. Secondly, dying tourism sector under Mullah Diesel’s brother ministry will vanish. Thirdly and most importantly US and anti Pakistan lobby will meet its strategic objective of projecting Pakistan as safe haven for terrorists and demonstrate the incapacity or unwillingness of Pakistani forces to deal with this threat. When Condoleezza Rice was asked by one US senate committee, what actions is the administration taken to dismantle, disrupt and roll back Pakistan’s nuclear infrastructure? She replied “We have devised a game plan for it.” Maybe this is part of their game plan. Is the government taking these developments in the seriously?

Jahanzaib Safdar, UK


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