This is a complete mobile MP3 player and first mp3-player with ATmega8 and Nokia 6100 color display.
An demo firmware and gerber file for board will be available soon.
This player has capability to play wav and mp3 files and view BMP files on 8 or 24 bits/pixel from a MicroSD card with maximum capacity 2GB, the format of the SD is FAT32 with clusters from 512 Bytes to 32768Bytes, the filesystem has no limits in number of directories and files.
For future i want to adapting the SD driver for SDHC because the filesystem is designed to use all capacity of fat32 ( 2TB in 512Bytes/sector)
List of features:
Play Wav and MP3 Files because the VS1011a only this files is capable to decode( but for future in this project i want to include the VS1053 chip to play more file formats.
View Bitmap files on 8Bit and 24 bit/pixel
This project is in asm language and my 100% own libraries
For the moment the project has 5172Bytes of Flash , 663Bytes of Ram and 0Bytes of EEprom
I work to another MP3 player:
New MP3 Player Link
An demo firmware and gerber file for board will be available soon.
This player has capability to play wav and mp3 files and view BMP files on 8 or 24 bits/pixel from a MicroSD card with maximum capacity 2GB, the format of the SD is FAT32 with clusters from 512 Bytes to 32768Bytes, the filesystem has no limits in number of directories and files.
For future i want to adapting the SD driver for SDHC because the filesystem is designed to use all capacity of fat32 ( 2TB in 512Bytes/sector)
List of features:
Play Wav and MP3 Files because the VS1011a only this files is capable to decode( but for future in this project i want to include the VS1053 chip to play more file formats.
View Bitmap files on 8Bit and 24 bit/pixel
This project is in asm language and my 100% own libraries
For the moment the project has 5172Bytes of Flash , 663Bytes of Ram and 0Bytes of EEprom
I work to another MP3 player:
New MP3 Player Link