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Showing posts from March, 2010

HTC Smart 3G Mobile Phone Introduced with Airtel in India

Recently, mobile service operator - Bharti Airtel announced to launch HTC Smart mobile phone in India. It is first commercial 3G smart phone based on Qualcomm’s Brew Mobile Platform. HTC Smart is a stylish mobile phone which is equipped with 2.8-inch TFT-LCD touch-sensitive screen with QVGA resolution and a 3.5 mm stereo audio jack. It has 3.0 mega pixel color camera with fixed focus and flashlight. You can customize your own personal experience with HTC Smart mobile phone using a variety of widgets for quick access to contacts, photos, music, weather and more. You can follow your friend’s status updates using HTC Friend Stream. Facebook, Twitter and Flicker are other attracting social networking features with HTC Smart phone. You can buy the phone with Airtel Stores and with HTC sellers in 30 cities across India at Rs. 9990. HTC Smart Phone Key Features: Operating System-Qualcomm Brew platform TFT display 3.0 Mega pixel camera Bluetooth 2.0 with Enhanced Data Rate and A2DP for wireles...

Panduan Membeli Ponsel Nokia Berdasarkan Seri (C, X, E dan N)

Nokia yang mulai mnegenalkan standar penamaan pada ponsel mereka, menimbulkan kebingungan sesaat pada pengguna teknologi selular yang masih awam terhadap pemilihan ponsel yang sesuai. Seperti apa pola penamaan itu dan bagaimana calon pembeli dapat menggunakannya untuk memelih ponsel Nokia? Nokia Conversations mulai menggunakan skema standar dalam menggolongkan jajaran ponsel cerdas mereka. Mulai kini, smartphone Nokia akan memiliki empat kategori yang dapat dipilih. Keempat kategori tersebut adalah C, X, E dan N. Kemudian, setiap seri itu akan diberi nomor urut 1 sampai 9 setelah hurufnya. Tips-nya sederhana saja, 1 menunjukkan ponsel dengan fungsi dan kisaran harga paling rendah. Berturut-turut ini akan meningkat hingga ponsel dengan awalan 9 yang menunjukkan 'kasta tertinggi' dengan fungsi dan harga yang sesuai. Sedangkan untuk huruf, berikut adalah penjelasan singkatnya:     * Seri C akan menampilkan jajaran ponsel dengan fungsi terbatas pada kemampuan yang paling inti...

Google Takluk, Giliran Yahoo Ditekuk?

Masih ingat ulah cracker China yang mengobrak abrik Google beberapa waktu yang lalu? Setelah berhasil melakukan aksinya tersebut, sekarang para 'kriminal' dunia maya China beralih ke Yahoo dan yang ketiban sial adalah account email Yahoo para jurnalis asing. Cracker-cracker dari negeri tirai bambu tersebut tidak dapat dianggep sepele, setidaknya terhitung 3 akun email Yahoo para jurnalis tersebut yang kebetulan sedang meliput berita di China kedapatan tidak dapat diakses dalam beberapa minggu terakhir. Masih terdapat 'kepanikan sesaat' mengapa akun para kuli tinta tersebut yang di jadikan sasaran. Hal ini mungkin terkait dengan sinisnya pemberitaan mereka di media. Yahoo yang notabene empunya email tersebut segera merespon. Salah satu jurnalis yang melaporkan bahwa akun emailnya telah benar-benar 100 persen di hack, segera dipulihkan. Beruntung masalah ini dapat terselesaikan dengan mudah dan cepat. Juru bicara Yahoo dalam keterangannya menegaskan, bahwa Yahoo secara se...

Bertengger di 18 dari 270, Wikipedia Indonesia Masih Terdepan

Situs Ensiklopedi Wikipedia multi bahasa, khususnya yang berbahasa Indonesia, berdasarkan jumlah pengunjungnya menduduki peringkat 18 dari 270 proyek Wikipedia di seluruh dunia, Sebagaimana disampaikan Sekretaris Eksekutif Wikipedia Indonesia Siska Doviana di Jakatra. Siska menambahkan, pergerakan pngunjung di Wikipedia Indonesia terus bertambah dan cenderung naik. Hal ini juga diikuti dengan jumlah artikel yang terus meningkat di setiap harinya. Masyarakat yang membutuhkan informasi serta ilmu pengetahuan secara cepat dan akurat, serta keterbatasan akses internet bagi masyarakat Indonesia, data-data yang demikian untuk ukuran negara berkembag sudah cukup lumayan. Dengan perkembangan yang demikian, maka Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia mengambil sebuah terobosan dengan menggelar sebuah kompetisi menulis. Diharapkan dari event ini kualitas tulisan di Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia dapat ditingkatkan. Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia telah mendapatkan kunjungan mencapai 1,2 juta visitor di setiap hariny...

Baisakhi 2010 Wallpapers, Baisakhi 2010 Photos, Baisakhi Festival Pictures

Baisakhi is one of the major festivals of Sikhs and is celebrated with lot of enthusiasm and gaiety in the state of Punjab and all throughout the world where there is a significant Sikh population. Celebrated every year on 13th April, this festival is of immense significance amongst Hindu and Sikh community in the country. Baisakhi is celebrated in different parts of India in a different manner; however one thing that remains the same is the zeal and enthusiasm of celebrations. The festival witnesses joyful celebrations throughout the country. The festival of Baisakhi is also an immense joyous occasion for farmers whose long awaited time of harvesting comes along with this festival. For the large farming community of the country, Baisakhi marks a New Year’s time as it is the season to harvest the rabi crop. Here is the fantastic collection of Free Baisakhi 2010 Wallpapers, Baisakhi 2010 Photos, Baisakhi Festival Pictures to make the occasion of Baisakhi even more enjoyable for you! You...

Novarra, Penambah Gedor Browser Nokia

Sang raksasa ponsel terbesar di bumi ini, Nokia, memperkuat kinerja browser mereka dengan mengakusisi Novarra, sebuah perusahaan yang bermarkas di Chichago yang mengembangkan perangkat mobile khususnya untuk browser web. Pekan lalu, Nokia dalam pengumumuan resmi mereka menyatakan bahwa, "Browser mobile dan platform layanan buatan Novarra akan digunakan untuk memberikan pengalaman berinternet yang lebih baik pada ponsel-ponsel Nokia". Browser buatan Novarra yang diberi nama Vision mendukung konten Flash dan video, HTML dengan JavaScript yang kompleks dan AJAX, RSS, serta widget. Fitur lainnya juga secanggih browser desktop umumnya seperti pilihan fit to screen, zooming, scrolling, dan manajemen password. Selama ini browser Novarra sudah diguankan di berbagai ponsel berbagai vendor antara lain Nokia, LG, LTE, Kyocera, dan Motorola. Browser Novarra dikembangkan untuk perangkat berbasis GSM maupun CDMA.

10 Cara Aman nGeTweets di Twitter

Seiring lonjakan popularitas yang direngkuhnya, praktis membuat Twitter menjadi sasaran empuk bagi para penjahat cyber. Apalagi jika melihat sistem yang diusung di situs mikro blogging ini yang amat terbuka, sangat memudahkan para peretas untuk menerobos masuk. Sehingga perlu rasanya bagi para pengguna Twitter untuk membentengi diri. Hal ini untuk memastikan bahwa keamanan diri kita terkamin ketika tengah asyik berkicau di situs burung biru ini. Berikut adalah 10 tips aman bermain Twitter menurut Ema Linaker, AVG Global Head of Online Engagement:  1. Batasi Pembicaraan Anda Penggunaan Twitter yang mudah membuat para pengguna sering dengan gampang melakukan tweet tentang lokasi dan kegiatan mereka. Namun, para pengguna sering tidak menyadari bahwa akun mereka merupakan akun publik (tidak dilindungi ataupun dibatasi), maka semua orang bisa melihat tweet mereka tersebut. Komentar-komentar ringan yang diberikan sebagai tanggapan dari tweet tersebut lama-kelamaan bisa digunakan untuk me...

Social Sentry: Facebook Tak Aman (Lagi) Untuk Karyawan Kantoran

Bos serta direksi perusahaan papan atas yang sangat menjaga kredibilitas keamanan serta informasi perusahaannya, mungkin akan tertarik dengan software ini. Software yang diciptakan khusus untuk perusahaan 'paranoid' tersebut sanggup memata-matai dan mengawasi berbagai aktivitas karyawannya di berbagai layanan jejaring sosial seperti Twitter. YouTube, MySpace, Linkedln dan tentu saja Facebook. Social Sentry nama piranti lunak tersebut yang digawangi oleh perusahaan asal Amerika bernama Teneros, sanggup untuk mengawasi kegiatan karyawan di sebuah perusahaan sat mengakses situs jejaring sosial. Hanya dengan fee sebesar USD 2-8 per karyawan, Social Sentry dapat memantau akun Facebook dan Twitter di setiap perusahaan yang memakai jasa piranti lunak tersebut. Di kedepannya, Social Sentry bakal merambah ke arah yang lebih luas tak hanya sebatas Facebook. Lepasnya informasi rahasia dari perusahaan ke publik adalah perihal yang dicegah oleh Social Sentry sebagai jargon utama dalam kampa...

How to clean Office Solution - .NET

How to clean Office Solution from Visual Studio / How to unistall Excel/Word addins using Visual Studio Use the clean option in Build Menu to remove the Addin

Beli Nokia X6 Gratis Download Tiga Juta Lagu Original

Inovasi terbaru dikeluarkan oleh Nokia. Pabrikan asala Finlandia tersebut menggebrak pasar ponsel dengan menelurkan sebuah versi baru yang diberi nama Nokia X6 Comes With Music. Versi terbaru ini merupakan inovasi yang tergolong spektakuler bagi penikmat musik sekaligus pekerja musik. Seperti halnya diunggkapkan oleh Trainer Sales Product Nokia, Anto, Nokia X6 memeiliki kemampuan yang tidak usah diragukan lagi kapabilitasnya. Kamera 5 mp Carl Zeiss dual flash, baterai lithium BL5-J yang tahan selama 35 jam, layar touchscreen 3,2'', memori internal 16 gb, bluetooth, support video call dan konektivitas 3,5 G sekaligus wi-fi. Anto berujar, bilamana Nokia X6 ini bisa alpha numeric biasa dan juga dapat qwerty tergantung pada penggunaan penggunanay yang mana lebih nyaman dan enjoy dalam memakainya. Fitur-fitur lain dari Nokia X6 yang dapat dijadikan andalan antara lain jejaring sosial facebook, uploader photo flicker dan OVI chat yang dapat digunakan untuk chatting sesama pengguna OV...

50 Ribu Lebih Ponsel Flexi Memanjakan Pekerja

Target dua juta pelanggan baru dicanangkan oleh Telkom terkait dengan pemesanan 50 ribu lebih ponsel baru khusus pekerja yang didesain khusus memeiliki fitur layanan ketenagakerjaan dari Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia atau SPSI. Menurut Executive General Manager Telkom Flexi Triana Mulyatsa, pemesanan puluhan ribu ponsel tersebut datang dari beberapa DPD SPSI di sejumlah wilayah Indonesia. Dia mengatakan di sela-sela acara penandatanganan kesepakatan pembelian Flexi-SPSA antara DPD SPSI dengan Telkom Flesxi di Silang Monas Jakarta. Triana menambahkan, jika kerja sama ini merupakan kelanutan awal Flexi-SPSI yang digelar pada 14 Januari 2010 lalu di Cirebon, Jawa Barat. Direktur Utama Telkom Rinaldi Firmansyah saat itu menargetkan satu juta pelanggan baru Flexi yang dapat digaet melaului kerjasama dengan komunitas pekerja di SPSI. Akan tetapi semenjak diluncurkan, Flexi-SPSI ternyata mendapatkan sambutan yang dahsyat dari anggota SPSI. Ketua Umum Serikat SPSI Syukur Sarto menuturkan, ...

Wajah Baru Wikipedia: Konten + Video

Wikepedia yang merupakan situs kerja kolaboratif terbesar di ranah ini, menjadi pusat bank data bagi pengguna khalayak internet untuk mencari dan menggali informasi baik untuk keperluan ilmu pengetahuan maupun hanya sekedar informasi. Umumnya beragam artikel yang terdesia di Wikipedia hanya sebatas teks atau tulisan. Namun kini, ensiklopedi terbesar di jagad raya maya tersebut mulai memperkenalkan konten video untuk mempertebal kasanah keilmuan yang telah ada. Dilansir dari, Open Video Alience menggagas sebuah program untuk mengajak para punulid atau kontributor di Wikepedia untuk lebih menambahkan kerja yang lebih kolaboratif berupa konten video. Blog Wikepedia menyebutkan, sangat minim sekali artikel di Wikipedia yang memiliki konten berupa video. Dan dengan diluncurkannya program yang bernama Let;s Get Video on Wikipedia diharapkan dapat merubah semua itu. Diharapkan dengan inovasi yang seperti ini, para kontribuor atau penulis yang banyak berkecimpung di Wikepedia dapa...

Netbook Lebih Baik daripada iPad?

iPad besutan Apple yng digembor-gemborkan sebagai perangkat lunak revolusioner super canggih di awal tahun 2010, ternyata pada sebuah survey yang telah dilakukan beberapa waktu ini banyak korespondesi serta user yang diambil samplenya lebih memilih netbook atau laptop daripada komputer tablet tersebut. Seperti dilansir dari Tuaw pada Minggu (28/3/2010), sebuah perusahaan survey riset pasar NPD, lebih dari separuh korespondensi survei atau tepatnya 51% dengan mantab memilih netbook atau laptop 'jadul' daripada Apple iPad. Dan bahkan diluar dugaan, di kalangan pemakai produk Apple itu sendiri sebanyak 44% responden cenderung memilih komputer Apple terdahulu seperti MacBook daripada iPad. Vive President of Industri di NPD, Stephen Baker menjelaskan, "Pelanggan potensial iPad melihat perangkat ini lebih sebagai perangkat elektronik atau lebih pada kemampuan akses internetnya". "Dengan melihat apa yang orang rencanakan untuk penggunaan iPad, tidak sulit untuk memahami...

Bridal Henna Palms - Two Artists at work

The artists of Spirit Vision Henna are practicing Bridal Henna for the 2010 season. This photo shows the work of two artists working together to create a wedding henna. Each has a slightly different style, but you can see that the patterns are complimentary, and accomplished in 45 minutes for both hands. We will continue to work to improve so that we may provide intricate full bridal tattoo in a timely manner. Please contact Ann George at 904•993•7466 for more information about henna tattoo for wedding parties, and other events.

Perfecto Mobile enables testing on the new Acer Liquid A1 Android smartphone

The Acer’s Liquid A1, the first Acer Android Smartphone,  is now available for developers who want to test their new mobile applications on Perfecto Mobile’s Handset Cloud Service . Acer Liquid A1 Niall Magennis from TrustedReviews is disappointed that Acer doesn't plan to upgrade the Android 1.6 operating system to the 2.0 version. He added that “the only real tweaks are a couple of carousel-style widgets for flicking through photos, music tracks, videos and bookmarks directly from the home screen.” On the other hand, he was very enthusiastic about the combination of the device’s Snapdragon processor and the high responsiveness of the captative screen, which together provide users with a very high level of operating speed. He is also impressed with the device’s connectivity speed (up to 7.2Mbps) and the fact that Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR as well as Wi-Fi are supported. Further he mentioned that the GPS responded very quickly to the Google Maps application. Shaun from PDA-247 add...

Review Buku: Bisnis Online, Mendatangkan Uang dari Internet

Seringkah Anda berinteraksi di dunia maya? Apakah Anda ‘akrab’ dengan Facebook, Twitter, Youtube dan seabrek fitur-fitur internet lainnya seperti browsing, email atau chatting? Sepanjang hari, setiap jam, bahkan menit, jika memiliki sebuah komputer yang terkoneksi dengan internet ‘berkecepatan’ tinggi, waktu seakan berhenti. Dan menikmati dunia ‘lain’ yang seperti dalam genggaman ini tidak akan pernah membuat Anda mati kebosanan. Lantas pertanyaannya sekarang adalah, apakah hanya sebatas itu kegiatan Anda dengan  internet? Updates status, download  lagu, membaca berita, blogging? Tahukah Anda jika internet dapat digunakan untuk berbisnis? Internet dapat digunakan untuk usaha sambilan? Dan dengan internet, Anda dapat menambah penghasilan dan mungkin dapat menjadi ‘kaya raya’! Buku ini akan mencoba menuntun Anda untuk memaksimalkan potensi internet yang tidak hanya digunakan sebatas menikmati dunia hiburan dan informasi semata. Karena internet memiliki manfaat yang sejatinya dap...

It's Henna Tattoo Time! Saturday 3.27.10 at The Midnight Sun

Spirit Vision Henna in Five Points is happy to announce that the weather is finally warm enough to make hanna paste. In fact, a lovely mixture is sitting in the afternoon sun, the dye has released, and everyone can enjoy fragrant, rich color in their first henna tattoo of the season. Ann George and the artists of Spirit Vision Henna will offer tattoo at 1055 Park Street, in The Midnight Sun on Saturday 3.27.10. Please come by after 1PM to browse pattern books and pick your design. If this is your first henna experience.... please visit the FAQ page for answers to all your first time questions. We specialize in traditional henna tattoo, but are available for special requests. You are welcome to call 904-993-7466 to schedule an appointment if you like. Henna will be offered Saturday on a first come, first served basis. Henna tattoo prices start at $15. The size and style of tattoo you choose determines the price. As the weather warms up, henna may also be offered on Fridays by appoint...

Common sense approach to rich internet application design

A colleague passed this on to me recently and I think its just too useful to keep to myself. I am a bit of a newbie in regard to application design, but have had a couple of cool ideas since joining the Samsung Mobile Innovator team. I found this article really useful when trying to put my abstract concepts down into first draft rough designs. Any thoughts or feedback please get in touch. link –

(Editorial) Why the Client Hypervisor is Doomed

Big surprise! Both VMware and Citrix have fallen behind schedule in delivering their “bare metal” hypervisors for client computing. Both had promised to deliver solutions by the end of 2009, but now VMware has reset that goal to the end of this year while Citrix has stopped talking about ship dates altogether. So, what happened? In a word, hardware. Or more precisely, the ever changing

Update 4

For many of us, when it comes to thinking about PC protection we think about two things: protecting the stuff on the PC and protecting the people who use the PC. Windows Vista helps with both. Top three things you can do: ■Manage your PC ■Backup your pictures and files ■Keep your children safer Protecting your system Your computer should be like your home: Only the people you invite can come in. Windows Security Center provides round-the-clock monitoring of your system, and sends you alerts about possible security breaches. It also lets you know when your security software is out of date or when you should tighten up your security settings. Plus, the Security Center displays your firewall settings and tells you whether your PC is set up to receive automatic software updates from Microsoft. Keep an eye on security settings without a lot of fuss. Built in backup You have insurance for your house, your car, and even your health, but what about your data? Well here are two "policies....

Nexus One Screen Issue : How many pixels is it ?

Nexus One Screen Resolution Issue After multi-touch problem on Google Nexus One ,today Nexus One got a problem again but in different point.If we read in Google Nexus One specs we can see this first Google Android phone has 800 x 480 pixels screen resolution and that is one of main point for many Android fans to purchase this phone.But Luke Hutchinson from Ars Technica published article about Nexus One screen resolution and point is Luke is claiming that Nexus One screen resolution is actually 653 x 392 pixels. Why's that ? Does Nexus One screen resolution really is 800 x 480 pixels ? I would not assume anything but i can tell you that you have to read this article . From Luke article : Even though no single pixel contains all three color elements, is it legit to say this display has 480×800 pixels as claimed by HTC and Google? via phAndroid

Untethered Jailbreak

See the video here . I believe it meets the requirements for a good video. The jailbreak is all software based, and is as simple to use as blackra1n. It is completely untethered, works on all current tethered models(ipt2, 3gs, ipt3), and will probably work on iPad too. Don't ask about a release date. You won't make it happen any sooner.

Perfecto Mobile to Partner with Mob4Hire

Perfecto Mobile have just partnered with Mob4Hire   in order to be able to solve the growing problem of platform fragmentation in the Mobile Industry. By utilizing Mob4Hire’s testers’ crowd, this partnership enables us to facilitate the development and testing procedure of applications for developers. Mob4Hire is the leader in crowd-sourced mobile application testing and Market Research. As a result of this partnership our users can now access Mob4Hire testers’ crowd. This will enable developers to save time to market by passing the testing process of mobile applications like location based services and voice quality to one of Mob4Hire’s testers. Mob4Hires’s Marketing Campaign “Don’t Crash – Don’t Suck- Get Sticky” complements our services of “self testing your apps” enabling us to now offer a full spectrum of solutions for mobile testing problems. Leveraging these complementary services developers are now able to lower market barriers, shorten time to market and achieve higher ov...

Nokia Ovi Guide magazine - Top apps and games reviewed

Nokia releases first issue of its new Nokia Ovi Guide magazine. In this release you will read about:Ovi features like Mail, Share, Contacts, Music, FilesApp reviewsGame reviewsNokia recommendationsSocial networking and location-based apps which you can find in Ovi StoreSome apps which were covered: Social networking - Gravity a mobile twitter client, Fring - a VoIP app, BuddyCloud, ShoZu - mobile

Limbaugh on Coulter

Since this is the first time I've agreed with Limbaugh on anything important, I thought I would post what he had to say: RUSH: I’ve met Ann Coulter a number of times. I can say that I know her, and she is decent, and she’s funny. Dirty little secret here, Ari: She actually doesn’t mind this at all. She’s in the front page, above-the-fold in the local newspaper. Everybody around the world is talking about this, and she has successfully illustrated just what a bunch of bigots there are at this university. So this is something that she’s out there laughing about. This hasn’t even happened at the stupidest American university, as she says. Ari, I’m glad you called. Thank you very much. Ann Coulter played the University of Ottawa like a virtuoso. The university could have let her come, speak to a few hundred people, then leave. Instead, it got into a shit-flinging match with someone who has a much bigger podium. Provost Francois Houle and student union president Seamus Wolfe have ...

Google Nexus One User Guide

Google Nexus One User Guide The guide for Nexus One users,this guide will explain the Google Nexus One phone,its components, accessories and How to use Android 2.1 on Nexus One .I have put this guide to Google view so you can read it from my blog or download Nexus One User Guid e from link in below. Download Google Nexus One User Guide PDF Fille

Ada Lovelace Day

via Wikipedia ... Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (10 December 1815 – 27 November 1852) was an English writer chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage 's early mechanical general-purpose computer, the analytical engine . Her notes on the engine include what is recognized as the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine; as such she is often regarded as the world's first computer programmer . In celebration of Ada Lovelace Day , I pledged to write a blog post about a woman in science or technology that I admire. This year I'd like to write about someone more local. Beth Still is a social studies teacher at an alternative high school in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. She is the creator of the Nebraska Educators Network . For about two years, I've been following @bethstill in Twitter and love her passion for technology. Beth seems to understand technology is a tool for learning and not an obstacle to overcome. After following her Twitter, I found her blo...

Nexus One vs iPhone vs Palm Pre and Motorola Droid

Click Picture to Enlarge [via billshrink ]

Governor Sindh Dr. Israt ul Ibad postponed Karachi board Matric Paper for 2 days.

Awaz Apni KARACHI: Dozens of female students Tuesday staged a sit-in on M A Jinnah Road against the non-issuance of admit card by the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) Karachi for inter-mediate exams. The enraged students refused to call off sit-in unless they were issued admit cards to appear in the exams due to start on Wednesday.   Geo 436 Breaking News: Governor Sindh postponed Karachi board Matric Paper for 2 days. Matric Paper of 24 and 25 has been posponed press realesed of Governer Sindh.


A programmable machine. The two principal characteristics of a computer are: It responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner. can execute a prerecorded list of instructions (a program). Modern computers are electronic and digital. The actual machinery -- wires, transistors, and circuits -- is called hardware; the instructions and data are called software. All general-purpose computers require the following hardware components: Me mory : Enables a computer to store, at least temporarily, data and programs. Mass storage device : Allows a computer to permanently retain large amounts of data. Common mass storage devices include disk drives and tape drives. Input device : Usually a keyboard and mouse, the input device is the conduit through which data and instructions enter a computer. Output device : A display screen, printer, or other device that lets you see what the computer has accomplished. Central proc essi ng unit (CPU) : The hear...

(Editorial) Web Developers: Time to Dump Firefox?

As a commercial web developer, I’m constantly on the lookout for new trends in browser adoption and usage. After all, there are only so many hours in a day, and investing time and energy supporting a faltering standard is both frustrating and inefficient. So it was with some hesitation that I approached our latest project: A complete overhaul of the user interface for our commercial metrics

RIM To Launch BlackBerry Storm 2 smartphone with BlackBerry OS 5 in India

Recently, Research In Motion announced to launch of the BlackBerry Storm 2 smartphone with BlackBerry OS 5 in India. The phone will be priced at Rs. 31990 in Indian market. BlackBerry Storm2 will be available across more than 60 cities in India through Redington’s national retail distribution channels. Frenny Bawa who is the Managing Director of Research In Motion in India said, “Powered with the latest SurePress technology and BlackBerry OS 5, the new BlackBerry Storm2 offers customers a powerful and unique mix of advanced communications and multimedia features in a smoothly designed smartphone that will appeal to both consumers and business professionals.” The statement was published in, a telecom informative online news portal. According to the statement, the phone will appeal consumers and business professionals both. BlackBerry Storm 2 is made with premium finish with sloped edges, chrome accents, glass lens and stainless steel backplate. It has large screen of 3....


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