The genus Ebola virus cause diseases in human beings and many other living organisms, this disease is known as Ebola virus disease or Ebola. It is abbreviated as EVD. It is also called as Ebola hemorrhagic fever that is abbreviated as EHF. Usually 4 to 5 members of this genus cause the disease.
Signs and symptoms:After having contact with the virus the person will show the symptoms after two days or sometimes may be after three weeks. The initial symptoms include sore throat, headache, fever and muscular pain. After sometime may feel diarrhea, rush and vomiting. It may also cause the decrease functioning of the kidneys and the liver. At this late stage external or internal bleeding may start in some persons. The risk of death is very high in this disease. This is due to the fact that blood pressure will be low due to loss of fluid. It is usually followed after sixteen or sometimes after six days after appearance of symptoms.
Spreading:The virus is spread by either direct or indirect contact with the blood or other body fluid of the infected person or other organisms like animals. The person may be infected if he has contact with the recently infected surfaces or the other items.
Diagnosis: Some other diseases like cholera, meningitis, malaria, viral hemorrhagic fevers and typhoid are closely resemble with the EVD. For the confirmation of the diagnosis tests are performed on samples of blood for the antibodies of the viruses and the RNA. If a person is suspected to have EVD his travel, exposure with the wildlife along with the work history are the important points that are observed for detail examination.
Nonspecific laboratory testing: the indications of the EVD include of less count of platelets, initially low count of white blood cells that is followed by high count of white blood cells. It also shows the high level of the enzymes of the liver like aaspartameaminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase. It also shows the abnormal behavior in the clotting of the blood.
Specific laboratory testing:the confirmation of the presence of the EVD is done by the isolation of viruses, detection of the proteins and the RNA and by the detection of the antibodies in the blood of the effected person. In the early stage the cell culture is used for the isolation of the viruses, polymerase chain reaction is used for the detection of the RNA of viruses. And for the detection of the viral proteins the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is used. In the later stage the detection of the antibodies against the virus is the best method.
Prevention: as the disease is transferred by the contact with the infected area or fluids it can be prevented by avoiding the contact with the infected person or the surfaces.
Treatment:currently no authorized or specific treatment is approved. However the risk of the death is reduced by re-hydration at the early stage and by the management of the fever, nausea and pain.
EVD is a serious disease that should be prevented. It can be spread through many different ways like by the contact with the infected person especially with the blood, other body fluids and infected objects and surface. The main point is to avoid the viral contact.One of the important points is that you must have knowledge about the symptoms of the Ebola. If you know the signs and symptoms of the infection you will be able to protect yourself better. Commonly observed symptoms include headache, weakness, fever, joint and muscular pain, vomiting, lack of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting. Rash, cough, pain in chest, sore throat and redness in the eyes are also observed in the rare cases. Followings are some of the other preventions that should be kept in the mind:
Controlling of infection: generally you should do not contact in the infected areas. You should avoid the direct contact with the persons that are infected with the virus.People who work in the health care center or are taking care for the persons infected by the Ebola virus should use the clothes to prevent the contact with the infection like gloves, goggles and masks. It is an important point for the people that handles the accessories of the person infected with the virus.
Isolation of the patients: The people infected with the Ebola virus should be isolate from the other. The workers should be careful in the proper control of the infection and in the sterilization processes like all equipment, patient waste, medical waste and other that have contact with the fluids of the body should be disinfected. Avoid the direct contact with dead bodies of the EVD patients.
Disinfection of the infected materials: The elimination of the Ebola virus can be done with the heat at temperature 60 Celsius for about 30 or 60 minutes or boiling for about 5 minutes. For the surface disinfection lipid solvents like detergents, alcoholic products and calcium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite and other suitable liquids at suitable concentrations are used for the purpose of the disinfection.
Frequently washing of hands: you should be careful regarding to the hygienic measures. You should wash the hands frequently and regularly with the soap having anti-bacterial activity is really essential. If you are working in the infected areas or health care centers you should thoroughly washy hands before the removal of the gown of the hospital and other wears that are used as the preventive measure and after the completion of the removal of the clothes.
Avoid meat of bush: disease can be caused through the animals if they are infected with the disease especially through the meat of the bush. So you should avoid the consumption of the meat of the bush.
Drink plenty of water: you should drink the large quantity of water to maintain the level of the electrolytes and to remain rehydrated.
Oxygen requirement: you should breathe in the environment that is rich in the oxygen content.
If you have the symptoms then you should contact to the health care center immediately.
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