ShotPro Community Script
is a community of graphic designers and web where they share their
latest and most impressive works. users can create projects with
attachments, lists, follow other users, comment and give me like a shot.
In addition to receiving notifications, send private messages with
attachments, designers look for skills, location or available for hire,
create jobs and ads.
Built with Laravel
Authentication with Twitter
Font Awesome
Flat UI
Send message direct/private with attachments
Team Members
Users can create Projects
Users can create Lists to organize your favorite designers
Follow/Unfollow users
Find people
Notifications Real-time
Comments on Shots
Like on Shots
Like on Comments
Block/Unblock users
Option Delete Account
Upload cover
User validation by email
Recovery password
An email, by account
Report users/publications
Change password
API for developers
Edit/Delete publications
Users can create Ads
Users can create Jobs
Integration with Paypal
Animated Gifs allowed(Only if it is enabled on the server Imagick)
Views Counter
Color Palette in the shots/publications
XSS: Protection from cross site scripting
Secure Bcrypt password hashing
SMTP Support
Navigation with arrow keys
Like in the shots with the “L” key
Share social
Skills of the user
Availability to be hired
Last Shots, Popular, Most Commented, Most Viewed
Feed users you follow
Overall statistics
Goods for Sale / Users can link their products for sale
Admin Features:
Change the site name
Change the site title welcome
Enable/Disable news registrations
Enable/Disable login with Twitter
Enable/Disable Captcha
Enable/Disable Email Verification
Allow attachments in Shots
Allow attachments in Messages
Set keywords for the site. (SEO)
Add a description (SEO)
Long of private messages, and shots
Create/Edit pages e.g.: Help, Privacy, etc.
Payments Settings.
See payments – Ads / Jobs / Teams
Social Login
Set up social accounts
Manage members.
Manage members reported.
Manage shots reported.
Manage Lists
Manage Projects
Manage Ads
Manage Jobs
Admin can enable or disable the members records, and to invite with PRO User whether or not members all from the admin panel.
PHP 5.4 or Greater
PDO Driver
GD Library or ImageMagick or Imagick.
Enabled function mbstring
allow_url_fopen (PHP.INI) is ON
MCrypt PHP Extension
This community is inspired by Dribbble
Demo User: John User Pass 123456
(Features are disabled) Admin Demo: John User Pass 123456 link Admin Demo
Users/General:Admin Features: